Comedy writer and blogger extraordinaire Ken Levine http://kenlevine.blogspot.com/posted his view of similarities between the Alex Rodriquez steroid scandal and the Rock Hudson AIDS scandal.
Levine wrote:
Don’t think it’s a stretch that I’m comparing you to Hollywood heartthrob, Rock Hudson. You’re both performers. And you both have strong ties with sports. You’re a professional baseball player. Mr. Hudson was involved in a prostitution scandal involving members of the 1962 University of Kentucky football team.
I’ve posted some more similarities:
A-Rod is an asshole.
Rock in an asshole.
Many chemicals made A-Rod hard as a rock.
Much booze made Rock seek a hard rod.
A-Rod never cared for the minors.
Rock never cared for the minors.
A-Rod is a five-tool player.
Rock was a five-tool player.
A-Rod never tried to switch hit.
Rock never tried to switch hit.
A-Rod showers with many guys.
Rock showered with many guys.
A-Rod once caught a pitcher with Vaseline on his balls.
Rock once caught a pitcher with Vaseline on his balls.
A-Rod loves to hear the crack of the bat.
Rock loved the bat near his crack.
A-Rod was part of many come from behind rallies.
Rock was part of many come from behind parties.
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