Evan Almighty- One of the most expensive flops ever made, they aren’t getting any of my money to help to pull it out of debt
Knocked Up- An ugly fat guy with no money gets a hottie pregnant….I love science fiction movies
1408- I wouldn’t watch this movie for it's name alone. How about working in an actual word or two into the title?
License to Wed- Robin Williams runs around like a spastic douche-bag for ninety minutes, but this time as a minister. So, he is a holy spastic douche-bag
Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer- Jessica Alba and her pair are the fantastic two
Ocean’s Thirteen- No, not again! I hope the next movie is called; Ocean’s Tidal Wave: Cooney, Pitt, and Damon Lost at Sea
Pirates of the Carribean:At World’s End- Maybe Johnny Depp and his crew can pillage the Ocean’s Thirteen gang and we're all better off in the long run
Shrek the Third- Is this the only way Mike Myers can get work these days?
Nancy Drew- This movie stars Julia Robert’s sixteen year old nice. Call me when she’s eighteen for the sequel Nancy Drew Gone Wild
Mr. Brooks- Stars Kevin Costner, it’s just like Field of Dreams except he kills everybody
You Kill Me- In addition to killing me, you stole $10 from me at the box office and took two hours I’ll never get back
Good Luck Chuck- Stars Dane Cook and Jessica Alba. I hope this story actually has an ending unlike any of Dane Cook’s jokes
Rush Hour 3- Quick ironic story here; I got stuck in traffic rushing to the theaters for this one
Ratatouille- I hope this sequel is better than the first one; Rataoneie
Live Free or Die Hard- The “die hard” refers to the last three functioning hair follicles on Bruce Willis’ head and his struggle to keep them alive
Hairspray- John Travolta in drag in a fat suit. I ask you why?
The Simpson’s Movie- No better way to kill a great TV show than to turn it into a movie
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix- Quick!! All you fourteen-year old geeks put down the Vaseline, stop wanking it for one night and rush to your nearest theaters
You're saying no to Nancy Drew? But that bitch can solve, brutha!
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