BARACK OBAMA: Mr. President, with all due respect it’s time for you to tell your wife to drop out already.
BILL CLINTON: Believe me Barack I tried to talk to her but I can’t even find her. I have no clue where she is.
OBAMA: I think she’s here in West Virginia. I heard her phone go off, the ringtone is “Coal Miner’s Daughter” from Loretta Lynn.
CLINTON: She’ll do anything for votes. She’s a desperate woman. She might even have sex with a relative to get votes in West Virginia.
OBAMA: What can I do get to her to stay away from me?
CLINTON: Try getting caught receiving oral from an intern that should do the trick.
OBAMA: Seriously Mr. President for the sake of the Democratic party you have to get her off my back.
CLINTON: Just be thankful she’s only on your back. Believe me, having her on your front ain’t no picnic either.
OBAMA: There is no way she can win the nomination. She needs to do the math and realize she’s wasting everyone’s time.
CLINTON: Look Barack, the only math I’m doing during these days are 2 hotties and 1 me while Hillary is out on the road campaigning. As soon as old piano legs drops out of the race, she’ll be back home checking how much I’ve done from her honey-do list. The longer she runs against you, the more time I have to avoid cleaning out the garage.
OBAMA: I have a real chance of being the first black President of America, and your wife is making it hard on me.
CLINTON: Correction, you mean second black President, the first was me. And if my wife is making anything hard on you, you must be really, really, really, seriously horny.
OBAMA: When do think she’ll drop out?
CLINTON: She is a very resilient woman, she doesn’t take no for answer. Except when I want sex, then NO is the only answer.
OBAMA: How can I make this happen sooner than later?
CLINTON: Have you decided on a running mate?
OBAMA: We have a short list, but we are not prepared to make a decision yet.
CLINTON: Obama/Clinton sounds like a winning ticket come November!
OBAMA: Sir, I have to be totally honest here, I can't stand your wife and would never ask her to be my running mate.
CLINTON: I can’t stand her either, but who’s talking about her? I MEANT ME AND YOU KID. What a ticket we’d be!! Man I can’t wait to get back to the Whitehouse. We are going to have a blast Barack!!
OBAMA: Mr. President I have to go now.
BILL CLINTON: Believe me Barack I tried to talk to her but I can’t even find her. I have no clue where she is.
OBAMA: I think she’s here in West Virginia. I heard her phone go off, the ringtone is “Coal Miner’s Daughter” from Loretta Lynn.
CLINTON: She’ll do anything for votes. She’s a desperate woman. She might even have sex with a relative to get votes in West Virginia.
OBAMA: What can I do get to her to stay away from me?
CLINTON: Try getting caught receiving oral from an intern that should do the trick.
OBAMA: Seriously Mr. President for the sake of the Democratic party you have to get her off my back.
CLINTON: Just be thankful she’s only on your back. Believe me, having her on your front ain’t no picnic either.
OBAMA: There is no way she can win the nomination. She needs to do the math and realize she’s wasting everyone’s time.
CLINTON: Look Barack, the only math I’m doing during these days are 2 hotties and 1 me while Hillary is out on the road campaigning. As soon as old piano legs drops out of the race, she’ll be back home checking how much I’ve done from her honey-do list. The longer she runs against you, the more time I have to avoid cleaning out the garage.
OBAMA: I have a real chance of being the first black President of America, and your wife is making it hard on me.
CLINTON: Correction, you mean second black President, the first was me. And if my wife is making anything hard on you, you must be really, really, really, seriously horny.
OBAMA: When do think she’ll drop out?
CLINTON: She is a very resilient woman, she doesn’t take no for answer. Except when I want sex, then NO is the only answer.
OBAMA: How can I make this happen sooner than later?
CLINTON: Have you decided on a running mate?
OBAMA: We have a short list, but we are not prepared to make a decision yet.
CLINTON: Obama/Clinton sounds like a winning ticket come November!
OBAMA: Sir, I have to be totally honest here, I can't stand your wife and would never ask her to be my running mate.
CLINTON: I can’t stand her either, but who’s talking about her? I MEANT ME AND YOU KID. What a ticket we’d be!! Man I can’t wait to get back to the Whitehouse. We are going to have a blast Barack!!
OBAMA: Mr. President I have to go now.
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